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Dr. Jane Goodall
Dr. Sylvia Earle
Virginia McKenna
Ah Moon
What People Say About Us

I am delighted to add my support to ecofriend and their crusade to reduce our carbon footprint by planting trees in the most affected areas. It is rewarding and inspiring to see communities working together to make a measurable difference to our planet.

We know that most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated — and much of the carbon dioxide is taken up — by mangroves, marshes, seagrasses, and algae in the ocean. Now more than ever, mangrove restoration projects such as those led by ecofriend are critical in the race to keep intact the natural systems that support life on the planet.

In a world where many people appear bent on the destruction, pollution and decimation of nature, how thrilling it is to know that ecofriend has planted, and will plant, millions of trees to restore a balance. Without trees, without balance, the world will not only be bereft of beauty but of the life trees bring to the environment, and the shelter and refuge they provide for wild creatures. I hope ecofriend’s example will inspire people all over the world.

Mother nature has taken care of us. Let’s take care of her in return by reducing the CO2 that we’re emitting everyday. It’s simple. Whenever you fly, you can donate and plant some trees with ecofriend! I’m in. And I want you to be part of the project too. As a girl from Myanmar, I would also love to invite you to come to see the Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park!

Ah MoonSinger-Songwriter
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